
LhARA Project WPM Meeting 5th April 2023 14:00 GMT =


Meeting ID: 950 0073 4107 Passcode: p+Uu8$


  • LhARA 6 month review report - complete. Links.
  • Monthly reports - outstanding.
  • Collaboration Meetings. Propose - full day meeting with 12/18 month review included/appended
    • CM4 Date 20th Sept 2023 Glasgow/London?
    • CM5 Date 17th April 2024 London/Glasgow?
  • AOB


Present CW KL, NB, ND, RG, EB, RM, TP, CB.

LhARA 6 month review - agreed all WPM to check for missing references and correct. NB to circulate marked up pdf. CW, KL to finalise and submit tomorrow. Agree meeting 14-14.30 start on Zoom KL, CW, NB.

Noted new CM dates - CW will circulate to full LhARA list for agreement at LhARA fornightly meeting on 25th April. CM meetings will henceforward include discussion and approval of related review (12 month, 18 month) to avoid duplication of effort.

Agreed CM4 will be at Strathclyde Uni. KL to push for London location for CM5 as appropriate.

AoB NB noted that particle accelerator network had requested a LhARA talk from NB for their conference on 12th July @ ICR Marsden, London. Engineer focussed event organised by Prof G Burt, Lancaster with focus on medical accelerators.

KL noted Yolanda Presado has offered possible Radiobiology science meeting at Inst Curie Paris - some limited travel funds will be available. Intend to pass this offer to LhARA science board for consideration.

NB noted the target/capture interface continued to occupy engineering effort - a new meeting is required. Those present agreed 11am Thurs 20th April, RG, CW, CB, NB + CH.

TP noted he was making progess on WP5 1st consultation report and hoped to have documentation for discussion by next meeting.

KL noted he was involved discussions with several members of the IoP Medical Physics group with a view to a meeting to discuss opportunities. Progress rowards an initial meeting was being made.

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