
LhARA Project WPM Meeting 25thJuly 2023 14:00 GMT =

Meeting URL:

Meeting ID: 845 5054 3598 Password: 737274


Upcoming Milestones

M2.1 Prediction of optimised....100TW...1/10/23

M3.1 Validate plasma sims... 3/4/23

M5.2 Report on Beam-monitoring 29/09/23

M6.2 12 month design review 21/9/23


  • Infrastructure Fund Wave4 Short bid to 'Visions' Panel submitted .
  • £21.4M bid "PA2" - costing resolution to £100k level - taken from
  • 4 year project spread over 5 financial years - start Oct '24, end Sept '29.
  • Added:
  • 'Proof of principal' radiobiology experiment - J Parsons BHM.
  • Outreach - P Price ICL.
  • Next Steps - review : deliverables, risk register
  • Mid point of PA2 LhARA will develop its project plan to include 4 year Build Phase.
  • Plan to 'organise PA2 through 'Fortnightly meetings'

Documents are here

UKRI Cross research council responsive mode pilot scheme Round 1

Close 10 July 2023, Full proposals Late Nov 2023

Gabor Lens


Several submissions submitted

  • AOB
Last modified 12 months ago Last modified on Jul 25, 2023, 11:35:12 AM
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