LhARA Project WPM Meeting 22ndAugust 2023 14:00 GMT =
Meeting URL: https://strath.zoom.us/j/84550543598?from=addon
Meeting ID: 845 5054 3598 Password: 737274
12 Month Report - Overleaf
All authors should have received invites - if not, please get in contact
Collaboration Meeting 3. Strathclyde
Combined with 12 month review. Paperwork in advance of meeting
Full day meeting 9am to 5pm
now has an indico page: https://indico.stfc.ac.uk/event/823/ which will need to be updated
Each session will be 'delegated' to the WPMs - assume 45 mins total time. We should expect to present and review paperwork. Each session will look to take away actions to complete their 12 month review paperwork and related milestones.
Please let me know if this causes travel problems - early flights into Glasgow appear to be hard to find. Accommodation can be found at: Moxy and Premmier Inn - Glasgow Merchant City, also toher options slightly further afield.
PA2 preparation
STFC review meeting 4th Sept Daresbury. Prepare 'highlights reel' to support N Bliss presentation.
See attachments - please please edit - word and pdf versions attached. One or two choice images per work package would also be appreciated.
Attachments (2)
- LhARA to deliver ITRF23-08-21.docx (21.8 KB ) - added by 19 months ago.
- LhARA to deliver ITRF23-08-21.pdf (137.2 KB ) - added by 19 months ago.
Download all attachments as: .zip