LhARA PoPLaR meeting: 08Aug2024; 14:00 BST
ZOOM: https://imperial-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/92877706542?pwd=SVRnWUpYRDdOZVY2ZnBmM3grSnFpZz09
- Beamline updates (K.L. & J.M)
PoPLaR Meeting 08_08.pdf Slides
In discussion of the quadrupoles, it seems that there is enough evidence that the current set of quadrupoles- 150T/m with apertures of 1cm radius in the order of 2cm 4cm 4cm 4cm in length will be sufficient to focus a beam in the 1.8m space to a therapeutically relevant spot size. Discussions were made for whether we could order 2cm quads and effectively bind together for different compositions like the 4cm quads as has been done at Daresbury- to allow changes to quad sizes to be made at other stages in the process. Agreement to test offsets & sensitivities in linear optics.
- Other updates
CAD designs showed that the initial set up was possible if introducing a staging process (R.G), idea proposed where all quads and collimators can be added to a removable stage that can be transportable, if enough room to allow.
Discussion of testing initial set in Birmingham ahead of December testing.
Attachments (1)
- PoPLaR Meeting 08_08.pdf (803.0 KB ) - added by 6 months ago.
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