


  1. Hardware discussion:

Quad stages: Waiting on cost from standa for one xyz rotation motorised stage for a 2 quad system with 1 fixed quad and 1 motorised. Motorised stage would take 6-8 weeks to arrive- discussion of timeline and feasibility of december/january experiments.

  1. Bio updates:

Some equipment delays- also brings timeline questions. Discussion of using an x-ray source to test radiobiology behaviour prior to proton-beam to check running smoothly. Dosimetry testing should be done and perhaps comparisons can be drawn.

  1. AOB:

Discussion of meeting/half day for updates on all sides of PoPLaR. Poll sent out. Sharepoint suggested to share spreadsheet to keep track of what is required for the experiment. At half day meeting we should decide whether to go ahead with the december/january beam slot based off of this.

Last modified 4 months ago Last modified on Oct 30, 2024, 12:21:20 PM
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