

PoPLaR Workshop

  1. SCAPA: State of the SCAPA beam/plans- R.G
    • Update for the current state/capabilities at SCAPA, plans for the PoPLaR experiment (how each beam session is planned to be used), targets/deliverables
    • R.G SCAPA update slides
  2. SCAPA: Discussion- State of the SCAPA beam/plans- R.G
    • Needs at SCAPA discussed: magnetic mount for cells, resolution for pellicle- damage from laser.
    • SCAPA schedule discussed: Need gap between sessions of radiobiology to check clonogenics and performance etc- takes roughly 7-10 days to grow then need to stain & analyse so 2 weeks from experiment to results, would like prelim run early on to see where problems arise e.g. more cells, less cells, different cell line. For this reason plans for initial experiment for first available beam time when all equipment has arrived- for a 2 week window this would mean a source run in week 1 (cells will be prepared in this week) and radiobiology in week 2. Will check SCAPA availability to see if we can book dates 2 weeks apart for processing of the cells.
  1. PoPLaR beamline: Plans for set up
  2. PoPLaR beamline: Discussion- Plans for set up
    • Current optimised positions obstruct the current SCAPA equipment, harsher search spaces required for Bayesian optimiser to find optimal solution within the space available.
    • Sensitivity most important, focus on sensitivity testing for each combination of quads, tilts, xy positions.
    • As 2cm2cm quad combination was poor, we will have to design a clamping system to build 4cm or 6cm quads- should begin a clamp design with Clive- ensure no interference with mounting.
    • Collimators not a priority, can be made fast with aluminium- can decide later.
    • Once BDSIM particle comparison has been sorted, check through field not matrices.

  1. Radiobiology: Plans for the experiment
  2. Radiobiology: Discussion- Plans for the experiment
    • Glass rings secured- discussion of how we plan to keep track of each cell dish per shot info, plans to record shot sheet & record on glass ring.
    • Equipment discussed- Incubator commissioned, orders imminent (in procurement- to arrive December/January latest), issue with biosafety cabinets- sensitive, need to obtain strips/flasks/general bio equipment (perhaps from Strathclyde).
    • Discussion about timeline: a week for source testing required before every bio experiment- Shape of the energy spectrum flat on rcf so contribution from diff energy bins much higher on rcf- first layer gets a lot of contribution of higher energies- need to check dosimetry with error bars before bio exp to ensure energy not too high, then need a week for bio so 2 weeks in total for experiment then a 2 week break needed to process- hope to propose this to SCAPA.
  3. Future planning/timeline decisions/deliverables
Last modified 3 months ago Last modified on Nov 27, 2024, 10:38:14 AM

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