


  1. Quad positioning & discussion

Quadrupole combinations discussed, initial optimisations presented showing optimal combinations of 4cm2cm, 6cm4cm and 6cm2cm. Discussion about potential weight issues of having 6cm quad on optical rail & gawney. Optical rail can hold up to 8kg. Simulations to be run with the beam divergence from SCAPA data in order to reduce the number of particles lost at quadrupole 1 without having to move it closer to laser source (where it will interfere with Thompson parabola).

  1. SCAPA Update

Waiting on response from standa for pricing of the xyz stage. Discussion about deadlines, bridging funds etc and unlikelihood of having all equipment ready for December alignment. March beam time available if we were to push alignment to January and bio experiment in March.

  1. Bio Update

Waiting on incubator/gas installation, all equipment is now ordered for bio side of experiment. Discussion of on site prep (culturing etc) that will need to be done ahead of the experiment- indicates better to use later beam time.

  1. AOB

In person meeting discussed, 2-5pm to cover SCAPA updates, plan for the beamline, plan for the bio experiment and to create a plan with deliverables to leave meeting with a clear timeline and list of objectives required to meet for the experiment to go ahead.

Last modified 3 months ago Last modified on Nov 26, 2024, 6:03:21 PM
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