
Simulation and Experiment Meeting 21st May 2019

Meeting details

14:00 Room 532, Blackett Lab.

Zoom details:

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        United Kingdom: +44 (0) 20 3695 0088  or +44 (0) 20 3051 2874
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  • Gabor Lens update.
  • SciWire update.
  • SmartPhantom update.
  • Round table.
  • AOB


Present: Dan Elson, Ajit Kurup, Ruth Mclauchlan, Will Shields

  • AK
    • SciWire planes constructed and inspected. Testing will begin soon.
    • SmartPhantom
      • Help with engineering from RAL.
      • STFC IAA proposal submitted.
    • Installing new version of BDSIM.
    • Simulations of latest LhARA lattice in GPT.
      • Allows for space charge.
      • Hopefully get comparable results to BDSIM (without space charge on).
  • Will
    • Busy with IPAC papers.
    • IBA wanted to implement scorers in a 3D grid in BDSIM.
      • Implemented in next version, due out soon.
  • Ruth
    • Mark Chan is leaving for Essen proton therapy centre.
    • Linac broken. (flash-rt).
    • Colleague has a pre-doctoral fellowship application. Could get the fellowship if places not filled.
  • Dan
    • Few calls out from the CRUK centre, phd students and small projects (development fund).
    • Deadlines in a month.
    • Will add AK to cancer centre mailing list and Workplace (Facebook-like platform for cancer research at Imperial)
Last modified 5 years ago Last modified on May 22, 2019, 10:31:31 PM
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