
BioPhysicsX meeting; 31Jan24; 09:00

Present: P.Burrows, A.Giacca, C.Jamieson, K.Long, I.McNeish
Apoligies: M.Pokorna, P.Price

Summary of actions

  • KL: Liaise with S.Lions to set up quarterly meetings for calendar 2024.
  • KL: Seek a meeting with FoM and FoNS Deans and KL straight away to get a date in the diary.
  • PB, AG, with KL: Write one/two science cases for Oxford recruitment WWW sites (e.g. JAI@Oxf) and, perhaps, OIRO. in addition, a multidisciplinary pitch should also be made.
  • KL: Send dates of next CNRS/ICL ICR Annual meeting.


  1. Notes and actions: All
  • KL: Liaise with S.Lions to set up quarterly meetings for calendar 2024.
    • Stands.
  1. Discussion of how to set up BioPhysicsX: All
    Meeting was taken up discussing how to secure the resource for the Imperial (UK) side of the projected 3+3 students being discussed to be initiated between CNRS and ICL as part of the CNRS/ICL IRC. Many mechanisms and avenues of enquiry were discussed. We aggreed the following process:
    • Seek one student, ideally, to start Oct24 from Imperial Physics. The vehicle will be to see to secure BioPhysicsX as a theme in the department reorganisation. Theme's may be created with a student position to help get the theme started.
    • With the Imperial Physics student negotiated. KL and IMcN will seek to secure a second student, to start Oct25, from FoM/FoNS, leveraging the Physics Investment.
    • The third student, to start Oct26, will then be sought from Imperial, Oxford, joint with JAI, joint with CLF, PPD, ... It was felt that when the first two students are in the bag and the programme is rolling it should be possible to secure the resource for the third student.

A possible route to secure funding would be an MRC training grant. This was felt to be an appropriate target a little later in the development of BioPhysicsX.

We agreed to seek a meeting with FoM and FoNS Deans and KL straight away to get a date in the diary (action KL).

Further, we agreed to write one/two science cases for Oxford recruitment WWW sites (e.g. JAI@Oxf) and, perhaps, OIRO. in addition, a multidisciplinary pitch should also be made (Action PB, AG, with KL).

KL will send dates of next CNRS/ICL ICR Annual meeting.

  1. DONM
    • TBD. KL to as SL.
  1. AoB
    • None.

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