CCAP seminars
- 28 June: Hywel Owen (Daresbury): "Particle Therapy Research and the Design Study for the Ion Therapy Research Facility"
- 5 July: Jacinta Yap (Melbourne): "Improving delivery efficiency and efficacy in particle therapy: recent progress and future technological developments"
- 17 December: Chris Baker (Swansea): "Antimatter plasma"
- 13 October: Tim Schneider (Institut Curie Paris): "Advancing proton minibeam radiation therapy with magnetic focussing"
- 9 June: Paul Beard (UCL): "Photoacoustic imaging for the clinical and life sciences"
- 26 May: Marco Borghesi (Queen's University Belfast): "Laser-driven ion acceleration: emerging mechanisms and progress towards biomedical applications"
- 17 Feb: Francesco Romano (INFN): "Challenges in dosimetry of particle beams with ultra-high pulse dose rates"
- 25 Nov: Michael Merchant (Manchester): "Mechanistic modelling of DNA damage and repair for Proton Therapy"
- 19 Feb: Graeme Burt (Lancaster/CI): "Side coupled Medical Linac development at Lancaster University"
- 27 Nov: Blackett Lab: Raffaella Radogna (UCL): "A calorimeter for particle therapy range verification"
- 13 Nov: Blackett Lab: Yolanda Prezado (IMNC, Orsay): "New approaches in Radiation Therapy"
- 19 Jun: Piergiorgio Cerello (Torino): "(Online) range monitoring in particle therapy: status and prospects"
- 10 May: Jason Parsons (Liverpool): "The importance of DNA damage complexity in the radiobiology of proton beam therapy"
- 01 May (postponed): Graeme Burt (Lancaster/CI): "Side coupled Medical Linac development at Lancaster University"]
- 27 Feb: Vincenzo Patera (Sapienza): "The FOOT (FragmentatiOn Of Target) experiment"
- 20 Feb: Karen Kirkby (Manchester): "Proton Therapy the myths and the magic"
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21 months ago
Last modified on Jun 20, 2023, 12:12:20 PM
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