
Version 7 (modified by longkr, 5 years ago) ( diff )


LhARA Meeting Tuesday 23rd July 2019, 14:00 BST


Present: KL, AK, WS, JPo

  1. Introduction: KL
    • We noted that we should plan as though the recent STFC Opportunities 2019 proposal will be granted. This means we need to consolidate the simulation of LhARA stage I over the summer.
    • The plenary meeting on 07Aug19 at IC will allow for a mode detailed discussion of the s/w and the development programme required over the summer.
  1. Notes and actions from last meeting
    • No comments; no actions.
  1. Layout, footprint, and infrastructure: JPo
    • SCHEME.pptx Slides prepared by L.Clarke (RAL) in consultation with JPo were presented. Good progress on the outline of the footprint.
    • We noted a number of issues; the transfer line into and out of the FFA, the size of the building, the absense of cavities in the ring.
    • We also noted the absense of a shielding calculation. A guess of 0.5m shielding has been made (new slides provided by LC after the meeting). Seemed to those present like an over estimate. Agreed we need a shielding calculation.
    • OverLeaf document in which to summarise the results has been started. Note that it includes a parameter table that wil have to be updated.
  1. Progress on simulation: AK
    • Work has begun to estimate the impact of space charge on the beam transport. In particular the waist in the beam after GPL2. JPo and AK have begun implementation in GPT. Particles have been dumbed out and will be analysed to check against the internal calculation of, e.g., emittance in GPT. JPo has also begun to study GPT and has found an interface with G4.
  1. Discussion of plan for development over the summer: All
    • We discussed the steps necessary to prepare for the delivery of the 'initial' CDR if the STFC Oppprtunities 2019 award is granted. Points noted:
      • Space-charge calculation is not yet realistic. Need to take an effective approach as will not get it into (e.g.) BDSIM on a relevant timescale. We noted that both MatLab and G4 have interface to GPT.
      • We noted the need to estimate losses and plot the distribution of losses. Likely areas of large losses are at capture an at the pin-hole that defines the accepted beam.
      • Goal for summer needs to be consolidation of the end-to-end simulation of Stage I. Then, in October, need to define and simulate FFA and transfer lines. Ideal if initial concept can come before October.
    • We agreed to prepare for our discussion on the 07Aug19.
  1. Date of next meeting
    • 13Aug17
  1. AoB
    • None.

Meeting details

Blackett Room 532

Phone details:

UK: 08082 380274
Austria: 0800 006612 

PIN: 5904750902

Full list of telephone contacts may be found here.


  1. Introduction: KL
  1. Notes and actions from last meeting
  1. Layout, footprint, and infrastructure: JPo
  1. Progress on simulation: AK
  1. Discussion of plan for development over the summer: All
  1. Date of next meeting
  1. AoB

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