Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of Research/DesignStudy/Meetings/2019/11-26

Dec 2, 2019, 10:10:49 PM (5 years ago)



  • Research/DesignStudy/Meetings/2019/11-26

    v2 v3  
    5959== Notes ==
    60 Present:
     60Present: CW, JPas, AK, WS, GA, KL, JPar
    62 Apologies:
     64        * Action items
     65                * CW: No response from others, will try again.
     66                        * Main issue is to determine how close to the target the first lens can be and provide options for differential pumping, shielding against activation, route out for the laser, etc.
     67                        * AK will try to arrange a meeting this week.
     68        * JPas: Chris Rogers suggested using a solenoid lens to separate electrons and protons.
     69        * Floor plan
     70                * End stations: Only other detail is reconfiguration for 2 end stations.
     71                * JPas: independent extraction ports for the FFA. Would affect cost.
     72                        * AK: Could increase foot print.
     73                * AK: details of the extraction.
     74                        * Should add this on the floor plan update.
     75                * JPas: no dispersion matching for injection into FFA.
     76                * AK: is there any additional floor space needed for the in vivo experiments?
     77                        * JPar: The existing box on the ground floor is fine for the irradiations.
     78                        * AK: Any updates on the holding facility?
     79                                * JPar: spoke to Mark Hill, won't need much space for the holding facility. Goal is to have a small space. Shouldn't need to be included in the floor plan, can just have this as a comment in the pre-CDR.
     80                * AK: Capture section may need to add power supplies.
     81                * AK: Beam transport. Need details to work out floor plan.
     82                * JPas: don't have spec for in vivo beam.
     83                * JPar: Depends on what experiments are being done. Would like a range of beam sizes.
     84                        * JPar: to define beam specs for in vivo experiments.
     85                * GA: Looking at expanding on the WBS. Want to see laser safety to pare down safety case from ISIS level of detail.
     86                * KL: Need to include access.
     87        * WBS
     88                * JPas: Abort line should be on the floor plan.
     89        * Parameter table
     90                * Needs to include sufficient detail to define the baseline.
     91                * Including details on collimators, rebunching cavities, spaces between
     92                * CW: Should add charge density.
     93                        * JPas: and magnetic field, collimator
     94                * AK: What would be the lowest extraction energy that would be of interest.
     95                        * JPar: 15MeV in vivo would be for very superficial tumours.
     96                * AK: level of detail for the FFA
     97                        * JPas: Need more detail to be able to fully define the magnet such that a designer can do an engineering solution.
     98        *  AOB
     99                * KL:
     100                        * RFI talk went well. Hopeful that we may get endorsement of the concept in the future.
     101                        * IBC have arranged a special edition of a nuclear physics journal and we have been invited to submit an abstract. Deadline early December.
     102                        * Also IPAC, PTCOG, APAC.
     103                        * AK to prepare list of the 4 abstracts needed. One abstract, 4 different "spins".
     104                        * SG meeting on Thursday. AK will present baseline design.
     105                        * AK to draft outline R&D plan and circulate for comments before Thursday.
    64107== Action Items ==
     108        * AK to note the instrumentation requirements for the definition of the baseline.
     109        * OE to circulate what was done for safety case for the laser in 027.
     110        * AK to arrange meeting between laser and capture WPMs.
     111        * JPar to define beam specs for in vivo experiments.
     112        * AK to prepare list of the 4 abstracts needed. One abstract, 4 different "spins".
     113        * AK to draft outline R&D plan and circulate for comments before Thursday.