Changes between Version 8 and Version 9 of Research/DesignStudy/Meetings/2020/2020-01-28

Feb 3, 2020, 8:18:23 PM (4 years ago)



  • Research/DesignStudy/Meetings/2020/2020-01-28

    v8 v9  
    5959== Notes ==
    60 Participants:\\
    61 Apologies: \\
     60Participants: AK, WS, JPas, HTL, GA, CW, JM, KL
    64 == Action Items ==
     62 * Action items from last week.
     63  * AK to add Colin's note to the wiki.
     64   * See Research/DesignStudy/PreCDR
     65  * JPas to send AK beta and alpha as a function of S (calculated by BeamOptics).
     66   * Stands.
     68 * Laser capture interface
     69  * KL: Should start a loop with CW and Oliver Jeremy
     70  * CW: Would like input on what is needed from the laser guys, especially since the tapered re-entrant part pokes 5cm inwards.
     71 * Beam transport
     72  * Update to Stage 1 lattice.
     73  * Working on the matching, bug in the code needs fixing.
     74  * Stage 2 vertical arc.
     75   * Can use the same arc lattice as for Stage 1.
     76   * May need to scale lengths of the quads to make sure the magnets are not superconducting.
     77  * Integration
     78   * Discussed questions from Simeon.
     79    * Specific details will be finalised after the design is frozen.
     80    * Can make the room bigger to accommodate the laser room.
     81  * Instrumentation
     82   * AK to put JM and Alex Howard in touch.
     83 * pre-CDR outline
     84  * Copy points from the R&D plan on the wiki to the relevant sections in the pre-CDR outline.
     85 * R&D plan and schedule.
     86  * AK: No updates have been received yet.
     87 * A.O.B.
     88  * Date of the review will be finalised soon.
     89  * Time of the meeting will go back to 2pm from the 11th Feb.
     91== Action items ==
     92 * JPas to send AK beta and alpha as a function of S (calculated by BeamOptics).