LhARA pre-CDR Meeting 10th March 2020
Meeting details
14:00 Room 532, Blackett Lab.
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- Action items from last meeting.
- None
- System updates.
- Laser driven proton and ion source.
- Proton and ion capture.
- Stage 1 beam transport: Beam transport and delivery to the in vitro end station.
- Stage 2 beam transport: Post-acceleration and beam delivery to the in vivo end station.
- Biological end stations.
- Infrastructure and Integration.
- Project plan for the delivery of LhARA.
- Safety.
- End-to-end simulation.
- Instrumentation.
- R&D plan and schedule.
- Pre-publication review of the pre-CDR.
- A.O.B.
- Participants: AK, HTL, KL, TD, OE, WS, JPas, CW, GA.
- Status updates
- laser - OE
- ZN proof reading but he's on strike.
- Costings being prepared.
- Capture
- Update in Overleaf.
- Titus to add detail on diff pumping.
- CW to work on the R&D part.
- Beam transport - WS.
- Focus has been on the write up of v4.3 as the main design and v5.3 as the alternative design.
- Simulation using a more realistic beam will be done.
- Ready for feedback.
- AK to go over this.
- JPas
- Looked at tweaking 4.3 to reduced Beta from ~400 to ~50 to facilitate injection.
- This change moves the focal point for collimation to where the RF cavity is.
- This would increase the space needed after GL5, for octopoles, cavity and the switching dipole.
- Updated Overleaf with the transfer line to in vivo.
- This is more or less complete. Simulations from after RF cavity to the end station as assuming alpha=0 after extraction line.
- Overleaf has many plots not included in the document. Can decide later what not to include.
- Inconsistency in the BDSIM simulation being investigated.
- Beta=58 coming out of extraction translates to 1cm for 15MeV, 3cm for 127MeV assuming 10x emittance growth.
- AK to look at the write up on Thursday when it'll be ready.
- GA
- The costing has been updated based on costs from other existing facilities.
- Pre-publication review of the pre-CDR - KL
- Proposed agenda (see attachment) will be circulated.
- 20 minutes for each speaker should cover 10 minutes for a presentation and 10 minutes for questions.
- laser - OE
Attachments (3)
- 2020-03-31-LhARA-pre-CDR-review-agenda-d1.pdf (32.0 KB ) - added by 5 years ago.
(1.9 KB
) - added by 5 years ago.
Injection for Stage 2
- Layout of LhARA Stage 2.pdf (100.7 KB ) - added by 5 years ago.
Download all attachments as: .zip