Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of Research/DesignStudy/Meetings/2020/2020-03-17

Mar 23, 2020, 9:41:50 PM (4 years ago)



  • Research/DesignStudy/Meetings/2020/2020-03-17

    v4 v5  
    5454== Notes ==
     55Participants: AK, TD, HTL, KL, WS, JPas, OE, GA
     57 * System updates
     58  * Laser - OE
     59   * Version in Overleaf is now ready for final editing.
     60  * Capture.
     61   * AK discussed with CW minor changes to the R&D plan. Overleaf has been updated to reflect this.
     62   * Ready for final editing.
     63  * Beam transport
     64   * WS: Stage 1 complete.
     65   * JPas: Working on writing up Stage 2.
     66    * Completed injection line in Overleaf.
     67    * MADX file for updated Stage 1 to allow injection, see attachments.
     68     * AK: will add this to the repository.
     69   * HTL: Extraction and end stations part has been updated in Overleaf. All finalised.
     70  * End stations. AK spoke with JPar:
     71   * Updating what is in Overleaf for the end stations, introduction and motivation sections.
     72   * Costs have been updated.
     73  * Infrastructure and integration - GA
     74   * Updated costing.
     75    * Will send a new version soon after updating it with the R&D costs.
     76    * Meeting scheduled for Thursday to review the costing before finalising it in Overleaf.
     77    * Will create risk register and add risks based on past experience.
     78    * Layout updated by Simeon. See attachments.  Need a good looking rendered image for the front cover.
     79  * Instrumentation
     80   * Ready for final proof reading.
     81 * pre-CDR review - KL.
     82  * AK: CW suggested having a run through of the presentations prior to the review.
     83  * Agreed to do this on the 27th March from 13:30.
     84  * This will be via Zoom as well as the review itself, since College will be closed.
     85  * AK to send email re review and practice talks.
     86  * Agenda for the review is fixed.
     87  * Arrangements for Yolanda's meeting.
     88   * Key people are Jason and Yolanda.
     89   * Other people welcome.
     90 * Will aim to have document completed by the end of the week to circulate to LhARA consortium and CCAP.
     91 * AOB
     92  * JPas: Have an updated version of CCAP-v4.3 to allow injection.