
LhARA Weekly Meeting 16th June 2020; 14:00 BST


Present: KL, HTL, CW, GJ, GA, TG, CW, JPar, JM, JH, TSD, TP, WS

  1. Notes of previous meetings and actions:
    • KL: Create draft response to referees.
      • Stands.
    • KL: Add new participants to the relevant mailing lists.
      • Done.
    • KL: Report detailed timeline and requirements for the EPSRC Transformative Healthcare Technologies call as they are known.
      • Done. And, discussion now an agenda item.
    • KL/WS: to exchange emails with AK re "restart" of experiment and simulation meetings.
      • Ongoing.
  1. Status of pre-CDR publication: KL
    • Journal has sent the paper to the referee(s).
  1. Preparation of response to referees: KL, ALL
    • No report this week. Need to try and get this started for next week.

  1. Updates:
    • Capture section: CW
      • At the capture weekly meeting last week a lot of time was spent on the discussion of the scope of the proposal to be submitted to ERC. Present idea is that a draft will be developed by the end of the month. Scope and budget being discussed. Not yet generating serious text. Following discussion, KL will make a summary as input to further discussion this week. Goal is to have something which is more than just technology demonstration. Some radiobiological experiment is felt to be desirable.
      • CW has used the Strathclyde funding tool to study the envelope. Allowed funds appear to be sufficient to emply 3.5--4 FTEs per year for 5 years.
      • It has been agreed to emphasise the "in principle" demonstratin of capture. This may fit in the finanical scope and does not cut across the EPSRC Transformative Healthcare Technologies proposal.
      • TG asked whether the concept was to build in industry or "at home". CW described a hybrid solution. TG noted the capabilities of the Liverpool w/s and offered to provide a conduit at the right moment to see whether Liverpool can help.
      • TG also asked whether sophistacted instrumemntation was required. CW agreed and explained that an RF diagnostic to measure the electron density was being considered. Also need to characterise proton beam on input to the lens. Temporal resolution will be important. TG noted that K.Welsch has verious beam-instrumentation techniques "off the shelf". TG will discuss with Carsten perhaps monitoring devices such as gas curtains may be of use.
    • Simulation:
      • Particle production at laser target: HTL
        • See slides. The discussion included the recommendations to check the boundary conditions used i the simulation and perhaps to extend the foil such that the grid is saturated in one dimension.
        • HTL will inform R.Bingham of progress in advance of the capture meeting on Thursday to solicit his input and advice.
      • Gabor lens simulation: TSD
        • See slides.
        • Discussion of assumptions made. Suggestion to make simulations under several conditions so that electric field gradients can be parameterised for use in simulations and to validate simulations made to ddate.
        • TSD will inform R.Bingham of progress in advance of the capture meeting on Thursday to solicit his input and advice.
    • Any other simulation
      • WS is writing response to Ajit re experiment and simualtion meetings. Will continue discussion offline.

  1. CCAP plenary, 24Jun20: KL, All
    • All asked to note meeting and contributions and to volunteer contributions.

  1. Status of preparation of Expression of Interest for the EPSRC Transformative Healthcare Technologies call: KL, ALL
    • Slides give summary of the key dates. We agreed to develop proposal concept and scope of the proposal over the period to September 2020 to be ready to discuss our ideas at the information meeting and to get feedback there.
    • We noted that the call is joint with the MRC. KL had contact the MRC to open a line of communication.
  1. Next steps: All
    • Agreed next week to consider possible programme of development to deliver outline/concept proposal for Sep20.
  1. AOB


  1. Notes of previous meetings and actions:
    • KL: Create draft response to referees.
    • KL: Add new participants to the relevant mailing lists.
      • Done.
    • KL: Report detailed timeline and requirements for the EPSRC Transformative Healthcare Technologies call as they are known.
      • Done. And, discussion now an agenda item.
    • KL/WS: to exchange emails with AK re "restart" of experiment and simulation meetings.
      • Ongoing.
  1. Status of pre-CDR publication: KL
    • Journal has sent the paper to the referee(s).
  1. Preparation of response to referees: KL, ALL
  1. Updates:

  1. CCAP plenary, 24Jun20: KL, All
  1. Status of preparation of Expression of Interest for the EPSRC Transformative Healthcare Technologies call: KL, ALL
  1. Next steps: All

  1. AOB

Last modified 5 years ago Last modified on Jun 16, 2020, 3:46:57 PM

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