Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of Research/DesignStudy/Meetings/2020/2020-06-16

Jun 16, 2020, 9:31:31 AM (4 years ago)



  • Research/DesignStudy/Meetings/2020/2020-06-16

    v2 v3  
    11= LhARA Weekly Meeting 16^th^ June 2020; 14:00 BST =
    3 == Summary of actions ==
    4  * **KL**: Create draft response to referees.
    5  * **KL**: Add new participants to the relevant mailing lists.
    6  * **KL**: Report detailed timeline and requirements for the EPSRC Transformative Healthcare Technologies call as they are known.
    83== Agenda ==
    1051. [wiki:Research/DesignStudy/Meetings/2020/2020-06-09 Notes of previous meetings] and actions:
    116 * **KL**: Create draft response to referees.
    12   * **Stands.**
    14 2. Status of publication and pre-CDR:
    15  * The pre-CDR has been updated to bring it into line with the prepring and re-uploaded.
    16  * The paper is now with the journal (Frontiers) who have assigned it to an editori.
     7 * **KL**: Add new participants to the relevant mailing lists.
     8  * **Done.**
     9 * **KL**: Report detailed timeline and requirements for the EPSRC Transformative Healthcare Technologies call as they are known.
     10  * **Done.** And, discussion now an agenda item.
     11 * **KL/WS**: to exchange emails with AK re "restart" of experiment and simulation meetings.
     12  * **Ongoing.**
     142. Status of pre-CDR publication: **KL**
     15 * Journal has sent the paper to the referee(s).
    18173. Preparation of response to referees: **KL, ALL**
    19  * No concrete progress, needs to be taken forward next week.
    21194. Updates:
    2220 - Capture section: **CW**
    23   See detailed progress from TSD and HT.  Good progress on setting up the necessary simulations.  KL and CW have begun on the paperwork for the ERC proposal.  RB has made progress in assessing the instabilities in the plasma lens.
    2421 - Simulation:
    2522  - Particle production at laser target]: **HTL**
    26    - Benchmarking of code continues.  HT has retained the same gid size, but used a larger nymber of particles per cell.  He now see less numerical heating.  Results are said to look reasonable (OE).  Belief is that this means that the simulations are converging.  Still need to investigate the energy distribution etc.
    27   - Transport through Gabor lenses and energy selection, Gabor lens simulatin: **TSD**
    28    - Has begun to develop the electromagnetic simulation of the lens using the parameters described by CW.  Details will be presented on Thursday.
     23  - Gabor lens simulation: **TSD**
    2924 - Any other simulation
    30   * Agreed that we need to re-initiate the Experiment and simulation meetings.  KL/WS to exchange emails with AK.
    32265. Plans for CCAP plenary, 24Jun20; **KL, JPa**