
LhARA Weekly Meeting 14th July 2020; 14:00 BST

Summary of actions

  • KL: Create draft response to referees.
  • KL/WS: to exchange emails with AK re "restart" of experiment and simulation meetings.
  • KL: Organise LhARA logo competition.


  1. Notes of previous meetings and actions:
    • KL: Create draft response to referees.
      • Stands.
    • KL/WS: to exchange emails with AK re "restart" of experiment and simulation meetings.
      • Stands.

Notes of last week's meeting were not posted. Restarting record therefore this week.

  1. Status of pre-CDR publication: KL
    Referees' comments have been received: see the top of the pre-CDR publication wiki page.

KL and JPar had reviewed the comments and made a first pass identification of responses and attempted to identify who should take care of which comment here.

This meeting://
We reviewed the comments, discussed and confirmed the content of the responses and the people responsible for generating the various responses. We also confirmed the deadlines for teh preparation of the response to teh referees as follows:

  • Draft responses to referees: 21Jul20 (i.e. at next week's meeting);
  • Packaged and returned to journal: 24Jul20 (i.e. Tuesday next week + a few days to tidy)

Also, need to:

Prepare short news item to go along with publication; volunteers? This item was not addressed at this meeting, we'll need to return to it at next week's meeting.

  1. Preparation of response to referees: KL, ALL
    • Postponed (again) to next week.

  1. Updates:
    • Capture section: CW
      • CW unavailable, no update this week.
    • Simulation:
      • Particle production at laser target: HTL
        • HTL has been working on issues relating to the conditions imposed at the boundaries of the box used in the simulation. A solution involving the rotation of the target by 450 so that the laser can propagate parallel to the edge of the box has been found to give benefit. This arrangement minimises reflections when compared with the previous set up. HTL is now analysing the result of the simulation to ensure that the various issues are resolved.
      • Gabor lens simulation: TSD
        • TSD has been setting up a VSIM simulation of the electrostatics and plasma of the prototype Gabor lens. He hopes to be able to report initial results at Thursday's capture meeting.
    • Any other simulation
      • WS reported an email exchange with A. Kurup. No patter for the simulation and experiment meetings had been agreed.

  1. Status of preparation of Expression of Interest for the EPSRC Transformative Healthcare Technologies call: KL, ALL
    • Patient engagement;
      • G.Jones reported that he and H.Hall from the PPI Group run by K.Gleason at the CXH had agreed to take the lead on defining the PPI strategy for LhARA. He and HH would take the "long view", preparing a strategy in which the delivery of a proposal to the EPSRC in Nov20 is only a near-term step.
    • Clinician engagement;
      • KL had drafted a letter to K.Kirkby in her role as Chair of CTRad W/s 4 to ask to work with the group to develop links with clinicians and patients. This letter would go out over KL, JPar and I.McNiesh names.
      • A useful meeting had taken place earlied in teh week with P.Price, Chair of Action Radiotherapy. KL had agreed to draft a roadmap.
      • KL reminded all that we'd agreed to make local contacts with clinicians and then work towards a coordinated action later.
    • Industrial engagement
      • KL had contacted Imperial Industry Partnerships and Commercialisation. FJ had agreed to act as contact for the preparation of the EPSRC THT bid. This was welcomed by those present.
      • PA emphasised the need to have some information to transmit to companies. Need a WWW presence (TSD has started). Slides also valuable. PA has connections with NPL, VivaMoss Ltd. etc.
      • GJ pointed to Spines/Brussels. PA noted slso, STFC S2I (Science to Industry).
    Need for:
    • New "institute collage" for talks and publicity; TSD presented a draft slide. The draft slide would be uploaded and circulated for comment.
    • Logo(!); competition?. Ageed to launch a competition that will close in mid-September. The prise will be a nice bottle of wine.
  1. Conference contributions: All

  1. AOB
    • TG: Returned to necessity of a meeting with C.Welsch. Also, proposed meeting with A.Wolski. Excellentn initiatives, TG will set up the meetings.
    • KL: Returned to meetings with laser groups. KL/CB will meet to discuss.


  1. Notes of previous meetings and actions:
    • KL: Create draft response to referees.
    • KL/WS: to exchange emails with AK re "restart" of experiment and simulation meetings.
  1. Status of pre-CDR publication: KL
    Referees' comments have been received: see the top of the pre-CDR publication wiki page.

KL and JPar have reviewed the comments and made a first pass identification of responses and attempted to identify who should take care of which comment here.

This meeting: review comments and confirm assignment of responses. Also, agreed deadline for sending the revised paper with a cover letter back to the journal. Propose:

  • Draft responses to referees: 21Jul20 (i.e. at next week's meeting);
  • Packaged and returned to journal: 24Jul20 (i.e. Tuesday next week + a few days to tidy)

Also, need to:

Prepare short news item to go along with publication; volunteers?

  1. Preparation of response to referees: KL, ALL

  1. Updates:
    • Capture section: CW
    • Simulation:
      • Particle production at laser target: HTL
      • Gabor lens simulation: TSD
    • Any other simulation

  1. Status of preparation of Expression of Interest for the EPSRC Transformative Healthcare Technologies call: KL, ALL
    • Patient engagement;
    • Clinician engagement;
    • Industrial engagement
    Need for:
  1. Conference contributions: All
  1. Next steps: All
  1. AOB

Last modified 4 years ago Last modified on Jul 15, 2020, 2:16:41 PM

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