
LhARA Executive Board 27Jul22; 16:00 BST

Present: A. Giacca, K. Long, J. Parsons, C. Whyte

Apologies: Y. Prezado, P. Price


  1. Notes and actions: All
    • Status of actions:
    • KL Liaise with H.Owen et al over working methods document;
      • Ongoing. No progress since the last EB meeting, need to complete the document.
    • KL Liaise with DK and others over collaboration meeting dates;
      • Done. Will do 14Oct22, then Feb23, then 6 monthly.
    • TG Liaise with IB and others to encourage institute-specific outreach activities on the back of the ITRF announcement.
      • Ongoing. Press release drafted, plan now to do an announcement with kick-off meeting in September 2022.
  1. Update on external review of proposal; KL
    • Delayed because of reviewer's availability. Agreed to re-affirm offer of support to Julia Double after EB (Action KL).
    • Ian Robson confirmed his willingness to be involved. Info passed to M. Lamont.

  1. LhARA and the ITRF: alignment and preparations for October start: KL, CW
    • Working on preparation of costing and JeS. STFC have confirmed that proposal is under the usual costing rules, i.e. 80% of total FEC is cost to STFC. CW has set deadlien of end of this week for costing info. Still time in hand for October start, but, slipping on our own deadlines.
    • Revision 1 of proposal issued (on WWW site etc.). Handing of working margin (10%), contingency (20%) and inflation had a bug in the cost overview table. This is now fixed.
  1. Issues for IB 28Jul22: TG, YP
    • Principal point is the preparation of the collaboration MoU. Agreed to propose a 2-month schedule. Comments for next IB, "sign off" at the following IB.
    • We recognised the need for a more formal collaboration agreement with agreed contributions and institute sign off. We agreed to propose at tomorrow's IB that this be preapared on the 18 month time scale so that it is ready when the next, more significant, proposal is prepared.
  1. DONM
    • 10Aug22; 16:00 NST
  1. AoB
    • CERN Courier news piece written by the Editor, Matthew Chalmers. Draft received today. Goal is for it to be published in the next edition; copy deadline next week. We discussed some issues in the draft. Draft piece ciculated. Comments to KL for transmission to M. Chalmers. Will share with H.Owen when revision from M.Chalmers is received.

Summary of actions

  • KL Liaise with H.Owen et al over working methods document;
  • TG Liaise with IB and others to encourage institute-specific outreach activities on the back of the ITRF announcement.
  • KL Continue to coordinate support for M. Lamont and J. Double in the preparation of the review.

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