
Version 1 (modified by dkordopa, 3 years ago) ( diff )



Introductions of new members: Emma Harris (EH) WP4, Neil Bliss (NB) WP6

  • WP1 - CW explained what we need/proposal outline/costing/risk registry. Presented slides showing WP1 costing as example
  • WP2 ND presented slides - outlined objectives and milestones.
    Ongoing discussion with potential project partners - Lancaster, Strathclyde, Imperial, CLF (STFC), Scientific computing (STFC), Queens University Belfast, Stanford, Scitech Precision Ltd. There is integration- ongoing discussion with WP3. Cost will be high as there is much staff effort required, a large number of experiments and equipment. [KL- you need to worry about costing the collaboration with the west coast.] [CW- travel costs for overseas? We need to include it] No oversea labs/ but we need to acknowledge the cost of staff collaborations within the UK.
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