LhARA Project WPM Meeting 12th July 2022 WP2; 14:00 GMT
ZOOM: https://imperial-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/95000734107?pwd=eUo1bXpvako5KzhzSlFkTXFKdjFGZz09&from=addon
Meeting ID: 950 0073 4107 Passcode: p+Uu8$
- Overleaf
- Costing - Updates from WPM - 'real' numbers required for meeting 26th July
- Kick off meeting
- Oct 14, 2022 Liverpool. 10.30am?
- Agenda
- Morning - WPM updates - objectives and status
- Afternoon - Talks on relevant science
- Agenda
- Oct 14, 2022 Liverpool. 10.30am?
Notes from previous meeting appended below - please check.
LhARA offer to ITRF
- University Retained Objectives: 1,3,4,7,10,11,17 & 18
- Daresbury Retained Objectives: 8,12,13,14,15,16,17 & 18
- Deprecated Objectives - standard components low risk - 2,9
- Deprecated Objectives - resource limited 5,6.
- All objectives retained - cost pressures due to inflation/costing module changes dominate risks.
- 50% reduction in consumables budget - consequent reduction in experimental flexibility
- Student in Belfast lost in first 2 years - delay to targetry work package - risk of non-delivery within 5yr timetable.
- ~10% Reduction in laser access funds - increased risk of non-delivery to timetable all experimental objectives.
- M1: Design LhARA automated cell dish handling and environmental system via user-community consultation. De-risk key end station components though experimental measurements at Birmingham.
- M2: Assess current beam monitoring technology and identify the required R&D for LhARA beams
- M3: Develop facility at Birmingham capable of delivering kGy/s
- Objective 1. Development of Geant4 simulation of the forward model:
- Development of the forward simulation consisting of a simulation in Geant4 of the beam impinging on an instrumented water phantom (the SmartPhantom) and the deposition of energy resolved in four dimensions (three space and one time);
- Exploitation of the forward simulation to optimise the performance of the SmartPhantom and to provide the power-density spectrum required as input to the acoustic model.
- Objective 2: Development of k-wave forward acoustic model:
- Development of a k-wave-based simulation of the acoustic wave generated by by the energy deposited by the beam. The simulation will be used to quantify the magnitude of the pressure wave and to estimate the expected acoustic-sensor response;
- Exploitation of the forward acoustic model to optimise the specifications for the acoustic-sensor array.
- LhARA project management
- Reporting to ITRF
- Outreach
- User community w. WP5
- Patient engagement - Maggies - CRUK
- Website
- Recruit 'LhARA Impact' person
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3 years ago
Last modified on Jul 11, 2022, 11:00:03 AM
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