LhARA Project WPM Meeting 9th August 2022 WP2; 14:00 GMT
ZOOM: https://imperial-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/95000734107?pwd=eUo1bXpvako5KzhzSlFkTXFKdjFGZz09&from=addon
Meeting ID: 950 0073 4107 Passcode: p+Uu8$
- Overleaf https://www.overleaf.com/project/62a72866d3378c76bc6479bf
- LhARA deliverables will be on a 6 monthly schedule - we would like WPMs to indicate the material they could include in an update for each LhARA deliverable with D4 having a summary of work to date.
- Each work package would have the format
- Objectives
- Reporting for LhARA D1-4
- Milestones
- Resources
- Gantt
- Costing
- Current status - missing information
- JeS
- Z3423509.
- Council: STFC
- Proposal type: standard
- Scheme: Standard
- Call: Open (none)
- The title of the grant should include reference to “ITRF” to help identify the Je-S forms on receipt by UKRI and also to help with reporting.
- In the “peer review preferences” section of the form select “Other”.
- Boilerplate is not required in each individual JeS - text from lead JeS will be circulated.
*ITRF kick-off meeting 20th Sept.
Last modified
3 years ago
Last modified on Aug 9, 2022, 2:39:16 PM
Attachments (1)
- 2022-08-09-jes-2703903-cut.pdf (83.5 KB ) - added by 3 years ago.
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