
Version 6 (modified by longkr, 5 years ago) ( diff )


SmartPhantom meeting: Wednesday 6th August 2019, 11:00 BST


Present: KL, HTL, AK, LC

  1. Notes and actions from last meeting:
    • KL: Liaise to develop concept for polishing.
      • Stands
    • KL send MuScat paper for reference.
      • Done.
    • KL: Seek meeting with S.Gruber and/or M.Puchalska to get her input into the design.
      • Done.
    • LC: Check re technical effort at RAL for assembly/dowling etc.
      • Done.
    • LC/JB: Finalise specification of interface between clear-fibre connector and optical assembly.
      • Done. LC/JB agreed interface. LC now has a design. Clarification of size of sensor indicates that only 588 fibres can be imaged on the sensor if we stick to the 1:1 imaging. We agreed to stick to the 1:1 imaging and, for the first prototypy, to take the clear fibres to two connectors. Fibres entering a particlar connector will be contiguous at the station end.
    • JB Provide ThorLabs part numbers of remaining optical components to AK.
      • Done.
    • KL: Suggest time for schedule discussion on 30Aug19.
      • Done.
    • MP: will check the beam energy spread, perhaps as a function of energy.
      • Done. MP reported that "The energy spread is 0.1% for high energies and about 0.3% for lower energies."
    • MP: will check the definition of the trigger signal.
      • Done. MP reported that:
        • "A signal of 5V is sent from the accelerator. It can be connected to different accelerator events, for instance, start chopper or start extraction. On the shift you have to ask for it operators, telling which trigger event you want. BNC cable/connector is available in IR1."
    • MP: will make a sketch of the space available for the water phantom, the SmartPhantom, and its electronics. The couch will be included in the sketch.
      • Done. Scketch linked after next action.
    • MP: will make a sketch ('technical drawing') of the water phantom.
      • Done. The sketches are linked below:

  • HT: will circulate and post the water phantom specs.
  • LC: will consider the positioning mechanism.
    • Done. Reported below.
  1. Baseline schedule and progress against schedule: HTL
    • Schedule. Points noted:
      • AK: LabView controls for camera/recording of images is on track to be ready by the end of next week.
      • HTL: Has started on image processing; expects this to be on track for the processing of images when they are taken.
      • AK: Has sent spend on stepper motor and laptops to KL so that commit/spend to date can be recorded.
      • Regarding SciWire: AK noted the need to resolve issue of holder for the SciWire prototype.
  1. Mechanical design update: LC
    • Slides. Points noted:
      • Lobes have been machined; are available. Have beem measured. Pitch deviation felt to be OK ... measured at: 1.6, 1.8, 3.4, 10.8 and 0.9 microns.
      • Anticipate parts for jig will be available 12Aug19.
      • Aluminiumm stand and carbon-fibre machining will take place at ICL, starting 19Aug19.
      • LC will make a first pass on preparation for design of gluing jig this week.
      • LC away on holiday for two weeks from 12Aug19. J.Tarrant will supervise assembly of winding jig at RAL in LC's absense. HTL will attend to assist with assembly. Liaison will be with JT via LC.
      • Issue: Need to agree steps to exclude short w/l light from 527. Action added: KL
      • Need to inform/discuss proposed support mechanism with MP. Action: KL*
  1. Control system and SciWire readout update: AK
    • Notes on LabView status recorded above.
    • Outstanding issue is the permission to work with a source in 527. AK will prepare necessary paperwork.
  1. Simulation/analysis update: HTL
    • Notes on progress on simulation/analysis recorded above.
  1. Next steps
    • Moving to construction of winding jig. HTL will assist JT at RAL when parts arrive (schedule shows 12Aug19).
    • Need to expedite SciWire tests to avoid conflict with test of winding jig.
    • KL find whether bending of aluminium can be expedited. Note added: P.Brown explained to KL that there was no effort available for this task. Will need to be top of priority list for D.Nardini when he returns on 19Aug19.
  1. DONM
    • 14Aug19
  1. AoB

Summary of actions:

  • KL: Liaise to develop concept for polishing.
  • KL: Define light exclusion scheme for 527.
  • KL: Inform MP of present design of support mechanism and discuss/identify any issues.
  • AK: Prepare paperwork necessary to gain permission to work with source in 527.

Meeting details

Blackett 521 (The Tutorial Room) and teleconference

Phone details:

UK: 08082 380274
Austria: 0800 006612 

PIN: 5904750902

Full list of telephone contacts may be found here.


  1. Notes and actions from last meeting:
    • KL: Liaise to develop concept for polishing.
    • KL send MuScat paper for reference.
      • Done.
    • KL: Seek meeting with S.Gruber and/or M.Puchalska to get her input into the design.
      • Done.
    • LC: Check re technical effort at RAL for assembly/dowling etc.
      • Done.
    • LC/JB: Finalise specification of interface between clear-fibre connector and optical assembly.
    • JB Provide ThorLabs part numbers of remaining optical components to AK.
      • Done.
    • KL: Suggest time for schedule discussion on 30Aug19.
      • Done.
    • MP: will check the beam energy spread, perhaps as a function of energy.
    • MP: will check the definition of the trigger signal.
    • MP: will make a sketch of the space available for the water phantom, the SmartPhantom, and its electronics. The couch will be included in the sketch.
    • MP: will make a sketch ('technical drawing') of the water phantom.
    • HT: will circulate and post the water phantom specs.
    • LC: will consider the positioning mechanism.
  1. Baseline schedule and progress against schedule: HTL
  1. Mechanical design update: LC
  1. Control system and SciWire readout update: AK
  1. Simulation/analysis update: HTL
  1. Next steps
  1. DONM
    • 13Aug19
  1. AoB

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