
SmartPhantom meeting: Wednesday 14th August 2019, 11:00 BST


Present: KL, JT, AK, HTL

  1. Notes and actions from last meeting:
    • KL: Liaise to develop concept for polishing.
      • Ongoing. Keep action to make sure it stays in our minds.
    • KL: Define light exclusion scheme for 527.
      • Ongoing. Will use conbination of plastic covers. Need to liaise with occupants of 527 and the offices next door. AK will forward information to KL who will order additional material.
    • KL: Inform MP of present design of support mechanism and discuss/identify any issues.
      • Done. AK, HTL, and KL met MP on 13Aug19. The scheme proposed by LC was discussed and accepted in principle. It was agreed to propose the following modifications to LC:
        • Station 1 (counting from the beam direction) should be mounted independently so that it remains in a fixed, reference location during the exposures.
        • Stations 2 to 5 (assuming we use 5) should be mounted separately with a mounting arrangement that allows the required variety of positions to be used.
        • The mounting scheme needs also to have some fixing mechanism.
    • AK: Prepare paperwork necessary to gain permission to work with source in 527.
      • Ongoing. AK has been liasing with the RPA at Imperial to generate the necessary paper work. Outstanding items include the personnel registration.
  1. Baseline schedule and progress against schedule: HTL
    • Progress against baseline schedule.
      • Points noted:
        • LabView: testing of code developed by AK using the stages in 527 did not work. LabView was not able to identify stages. Example executable works OK; so stages are OK.
        • Image analysis: essentially complete, at least for present stage of development.
        • Confirm with pottoing lab people afternoon.
  1. Mechanical design/manufacture update: JT for LC
    • JT will contact OM to see whether the components have been dispached from the manufacturer.
  1. Control system and SciWire readout update: AK
    • Main LabVIEW interface is being written. Issue is that the first test of communication between the LabVIEW and the stage.
    • HighSpec laptop now with AK and installation will begin soon.
    • No delivery time on second LapTop. AK will chase.
  1. Simulation/analysis update: HTL
    • Simulation of Epoxy/Mylar for Potting.
      • See slides; points noted:
        • Prefered scheme (1mm resin on both sides of station) shows detectors absorb more energy. Scheme with mylar layer is better in that energy lost is smaller.
        • Scheme will be discussed Resin Lab people tomorrow.
  1. Next steps
    • Assemble winding jig and prepare winding assembly by the end of next week.
    • Define potting scheme so that detailed design can be done when LC is back from holiday.
  1. DONM
    • 21Aug19
  1. AoB
    • None.

Summary of actions:

  • KL: Liaise to develop concept for polishing.
  • KL: Define light exclusion scheme for 527.
  • AK: Prepare paperwork necessary to gain permission to work with source in 527.
  • AK: Pass details of second laptop to KL so that delivery can be followed in AK's absense.

Meeting details

Blackett 521 (The Tutorial Room) and teleconference

Phone details:

  UK: 08082 380274
  Austria: 0800 006612 

  PIN: 5904750902

Full list of telephone contacts may be found here.


  1. Notes and actions from last meeting:
    • KL: Liaise to develop concept for polishing.
      • Ongoing. Keep action to make sure it stays in our minds.
    • KL: Define light exclusion scheme for 527.
      • Ongoing. Will use conbination of plastic covers. Need to liaise with occupants of 527 and the offices next door.
    • KL: Inform MP of present design of support mechanism and discuss/identify any issues.
    • Done. AK, HTL, and KL met MP on 13Aug19. The scheme proposed by LC was discussed and accepted in principle. It was agreed to propose the following modifications to LC:
      • Station 1 (counting from the beam direction) should be mounted independently so that it remains in a fixed, reference location during the exposures.
      • Stations 2 to 5 (assuming we use 5) should be mounted separately with a mounting arrangement that allows the required variety of positions to be used.
      • The mounting scheme needs also to have some fixing mechanism.
    • AK: Prepare paperwork necessary to gain permission to work with source in 527.
      • Ongoing. AK has been liasing with the RPA at Imperial to generate the necessary paper work.
  1. Baseline schedule and progress against schedule: HTL
  1. Mechanical design/manufacture update: JT for LC
  1. Control system and SciWire readout update: AK
  1. Simulation/analysis update: HTL
  1. Next steps
  1. DONM
    • 21Aug19
  1. AoB

Last modified 6 years ago Last modified on Aug 14, 2019, 11:30:33 AM

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