SmartPhantom meeting: Wednesday 9th October 2019, 11:00 BST
- Notes and actions from last meeting:
- KL: Liaise to develop concept for polishing. Ongoing. Attempt made using 'fishing-line prototypes' at Imperial. Poor finish; some tearing of fibres. Noted that the superglue was brittle and probably its solvents were damaging for fibre. So, avoid in future. In discussion we agreed to make a 1mm recess so that fibres can be potted in resin. This will allow the fibres to be supported during machining.
- KL: Prepare revision to schedule for the next meeting.
- Stands. Agenda item.
- AK: Invent a note numbering scheme so that HTL's note can be "published" on the wiki as a CCAP note.
- Done.
- Categories (list can be extended as required):
- Radiobiology
- Accelerator
- Instrumentation
- Other
- e.g. civil engineering
- Categories (list can be extended as required):
- Done.
- HTL: Add CCAP note number to the header of the note and post it as a CCAP note.
- Stands.
- AK: Purchase hard-drive to store SmartPhantom data in operation.
- Stands.
- LC: Complete detailed design of the boot.
- Stands. Agenda item.
- Design to be finalised -- final detail is square hole which a]we've agreed.
- KL: Prepare a revised costing spreadsheet for next meeting.
- Stands. Agenda item.
- Mechanical design/manufacture update: LC
- Potting: Cyril has concluded that black spray paint is not a good solution as it causes the fibres to form into a number of bundles. Black epoxy resin seens to be OK. We discussed the potting method; LC will discuss with Cyril.
- AK noted that it may be valuable to warm glue. JB has an oven that could be used to warm the glue and the jig.
- We discussed the size of the aperture required to expose the culture flask. After the meeting we inspected the sample large culture bottle. We found that the active area was (approx.) 110mm x 110mm. So, a circle of at least 110*sqrt(2) would be large enough. LC will complete the design revision for the frame.
- Potting: Cyril has concluded that black spray paint is not a good solution as it causes the fibres to form into a number of bundles. Black epoxy resin seens to be OK. We discussed the potting method; LC will discuss with Cyril.
- Single-fibre test setup: HTL
- Goal is to test the optical readout system with 90Sr. Benefit is that the activity will also debug various parts of the system.
- We will use boot designed for the SmartPhantom for the single-fibre test. AK notes that we should consider using 2011 araldite, which was Geoff's recommendation.
- Schedule revision discussion: All
- HT agreed to be master of schedule.
- Spend: outstanding requirement: All
- HT agreed to take master costing sheet.
- Visit to MedAustron: All
- Topics for discussion at MedAustron:
- Set-up in research room:
- Space, support for SmartPhantom and associated cameras, USB system and computer;
- Length of light quides and other cabling;
- Mains power and other requirements.
- Trigger signal:
- Position of signal, connector, cable, voltage pulse shape;
- Communication from control room to research room:
- E.g. ethernet cable location, length, etc.
- Support for SmartPhantom within the water phantom;
- Set-up in research room:
- Logistics:
- What arrangements do we need to make to set up for and to execute the experiemnt.
- Personal dosimetery for those involved.
- Registration procedures etc.
- Counting area; cables and communications. Power? Need a layout for the setup.
- RP procedures; what is required before we take SmartPhantom away.
- Separately: HT's involvement in radiobiology programme and the relationship of this with the beam commissioning activity.
- Noted that we meet at MedAustron on 30Oct19, which might be too late re longterm room reservation for Ht. This needs to be discussed by email before we go.
- Topics for discussion at MedAustron:
- Next steps: All
We agreed:- Single-fibre test;
- Move to build next prototype ... and to do it with fibre.
- We discussed the use of 'tack' spray adhesive. Agreed not to use it in teh first instance: risk that resin does not adhere properly once tack adhesive has been used. And, risk that tack adhesive does not stay tacky long enough.
- 16Oct19; 11:00
- AoB
Summary of actions:
- KL: Liaise to develop concept for polishing.
- HTL: Prepare revision to schedule for the next meeting.
- HTL: Prepare a revised costing spreadsheet for next meeting.
- HTL: Add CCAP note number to the header of the note and post it as a CCAP note.
- AK: Purchase hard-drive to store SmartPhantom data in operation.
- LC: Complete detailed design of the boot.
Meeting details
Venue: my office: 1105 Blackett Laboratory. Phone details:
UK: 08082 380274 Austria: 0800 006612 PIN: 5904750902
Full list of telephone contacts may be found here.
- Notes and actions from last meeting:
- KL: Liaise to develop concept for polishing. Ongoing. Attempt made using 'fishing-line prototypes' at Imperial. Poor finish; some tearing of fibres. Noted that the superglue was brittle and probably its solvents were damaging for fibre. So, avoid in future. In discussion we agreed to make a 1mm recess so that fibres can be potted in resin. This will allow the fibres to be supported during machining.
- KL: Prepare revision to schedule for the next meeting.
- Stands. Agenda item.
- AK: Invent a note numbering scheme so that HTL's note can be "published" on the wiki as a CCAP note.
- Done.
- Categories (list can be extended as required):
- Radiobiology
- Accelerator
- Instrumentation
- Other
- e.g. civil engineering
- Categories (list can be extended as required):
- Done.
- HTL: Add CCAP note number to the header of the note and post it as a CCAP note.
- Stands.
- AK: Purchase hard-drive to store SmartPhantom data in operation.
- Stands.
- LC: Complete detailed design of the boot.
- Stands/agenda item.
- KL: Prepare a revised costing spreadsheet for next meeting.
- Stands. Agenda item.
- Mechanical design/manufacture update: LC
- Single-fibre test setup: HTL
- Schedule revision discussion: All
- Spend: outstanding requirement: All
- Visit to MedAustron: All
- Next steps: All
- AoB
Last modified
5 years ago
Last modified on Oct 16, 2019, 12:56:37 PM
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