Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Research/LhARA/DesignAndIntegration/Meetings/2024/2024-02-13

Feb 20, 2024, 11:28:22 AM (4 months ago)



  • Research/LhARA/DesignAndIntegration/Meetings/2024/2024-02-13

    v1 v2  
    88* Engineering.
    99* AOB
     11== Actions ==
     13== Notes ==
     14Present:  Clive Hill, Ta-Jen Kuo, Ajit Kurup,  Ken Long, Jaroslaw Pasternak, Matt Pereira, Rehanah Razak, Will Shields, Colin Whyte \\
     15Apologies:  Andy Goulden,  Hywel Owen
     17        * Simulation
     18                * Slides from WS:
     19                        * Stage 1 optimisation. Now have a beam (with smaller beta and alpha close to 0) that can get through the injection line and match to the injection conditions.
     20                        *  Gabor lens model in BDSim.
     21                                * Geometry details done.
     22                                * EM Field
     23                                        * electric field only.
     24                                        * Solenoid field is more complicated to implement.
     25                * TJK: Will work on optimisation so that the field produced by the trim coils add to the field of the main coil.
     26                        * Looking at checking JB's code Fixed Field.
     27                * Slides from JP:
     28                        * Including correctors and beam profile monitors in the injection line.
     29                        * Assumptions for the gap calculation.
     30                                * This will give the good field region needed and then can do the magnet simulation.
     31                        * Discussion on the gap size.
     32                        * TJK concerned about the dB/B requirement.
     34        * Engineering
     35                * Template for the documents for milestones 6 and 7.
     36                * Power requirements for the magnets.
     37                * Discussion on power requirements for the FETS FFA magnet and comparison with LhARA.
     39        * AOB
     40                * KL: How is the JAI work is going?
     41                        * MP: Looking at the conceptual design of stage 1 beam delivery in the end station. Lattice design and spot sizes and looking at different magnet options. To be presented in about 5 weeks.