Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Research/LhARA/DesignAndIntegration/Meetings/2024/2024-02-27

Mar 4, 2024, 11:23:39 PM (4 months ago)



  • Research/LhARA/DesignAndIntegration/Meetings/2024/2024-02-27

    v1 v2  
    88* Engineering.
    99* AOB
     11== Actions ==
     13== Notes ==
     14Present:  Andy Goulden, Clive Hill, Ta-Jen Kuo, Ajit Kurup,  Ken Long, Hywel Owen, Matt Pereira, Rehanah Razak, Will Shields, Colin Whyte \\
     15Apologies: Jaroslaw Pasternak
     17        * Simulations
     18                * Slides from WS
     19                        * Comparison of tracking with different Gabor lens models.
     20                * Slides from KL
     21                        * Different source models.
     22                        * Comparison of solenoids and Gabor lenses
     23                        * Looked at different beam pipe diameters.
     24                * First go of the LhARA magnet
     25                        * TJK showed Opera model
     26        * Engineering
     27                * CH: working on update of the schematic of the transfer line.
     28        * Milestone report - CH
     29                * Text on the controls from Graham Cox.
     30                * Building concept hasn't changed much so will refer to 12-month report.
     31                * Update on shielding calculations.
     32                * Vacuum concept section in progress should be ready soon.
     33                * Power consumption has not changed so will refer to the 12-month report.
     34                * RF
     35                        * Not much has changed. Will look to see what was written in the 12 month report and update that.
     36                        * CH has got a CAD model of the RF cavity from Rob Matheson.  Can add that to the report.
     37                * CH can progress the write up and present next week.
     38        * AOB
     39                * WS: early bird deadline for IPAC is tomorrow.