LhARA Executive Board 17Apr24; 16:00 BST
Present: CJ, KL, TG, CW, JPar, RB, AG
Summary of actions
KL: contact D. Brown to discuss no-cost extensions for LhARA groups supported by grants;
KL/AG: Prepare letter to MRC/STFC management making the case for proper bridging funding, continuity, and the risk of not providing such resource;
KL/RB: Meet to discuss development of relationship/bids to EPSRC for aspects of the programme;
KL/RB: Liaise to make sure wiki has list of upcoming conferences to target.
- Notes and actions: All
Status of actions:
- None recorded.
- LhARA/ITRF PA1 progress report: CW
- 18 month report and milestone reports, status
- Report needs to be populated and time is getting short.
- HO has material for engineering content.
- WP2 (source) have come up against issues with energy arriving in advance of the main laser pulse (a repulse) which adversely affects the proton production. This will require one milestone to be adjusted.
- Worry about WP3 where there is not yet information beyond the presentation in February of progress at the LhARA fortnightly.
- WP4 has enough material to present but as yet has not provided input.
- WP5 has material that needs to be collected into the report.
- WP6 noted above.
- We discussed the synergy with the FETS-FFA magnet development and noted that there is an opportunity now to make a more concrete collaboration around a prototype that addresses a subset of the key issues.
- We noted that it is now important to make sure all groups ask for the relevant no cost extensions. KL will contact D.Brown to understand the general constraints. We agreed to highlight the issue at the CM next week.
- 18 month report and milestone reports, status
- LhARA/ITRF PA2 bridging activity: KL, CW, AG / All
- We discussed the planning for £1M/year for a 2+1 year bridging period.
- Agreed that KL/AG would prepare a letter to MRC management (Exec. Chair, or other senior management, perhaps with senior member of STFC) to make the case for appropriate support to ensure the project can go forward appropriately in the bridging phase.
- Noted that, though PP, project has visibility at Government level.
- Collaboration/18-month review meeting dates: All
- 25/26Apr24; ICL, ICR, London
- Finalising issues on the indico page. No major issues noted.
- 25/26Apr24; ICL, ICR, London
- Initial thoughts on EU applications: KL, All
- Agreed to pursue MCSA network and Pathfinder bid. Need to talk to, e.g., C. Welsch re network.
- Further discussion of funders:
- Should target EPSRC, RB has strong record of success. So, agreed to try and develop an approach to targeted submissions to EPSRC. KL/RB to meet.
- Noted that KP has track record in laser-driven ions for radiation biology. Need to discuss with him profitable avenues.
- Conferences and publications; SB report: RB, KP, All
- RB provided list of papers and meetings to target that he had prepared with KP. Several additional conferences were suggested as additions. KL/RB will liaise to make sure all are documented on the wiki.
- Collaboration/18-month review meeting dates: ALl
- 25/26Apr24; ICL, ICR, London
- 01-02 Sep24, Belfast
30Apr24 -- 16:00
- AoB
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