LhARA Executive Board 29May24; 16:45 BST
Present: KL, CW, TG, CJ, HO, JPar, RB
- Notes and actions: All
Status of actions:
- KL: contact D. Brown to discuss no-cost extensions for LhARA groups supported by grants;
- Ongoing.
- KL/RB: Liaise to make sure wiki has list of upcoming conferences to target.
- Stands
- KL: contact D. Brown to discuss no-cost extensions for LhARA groups supported by grants;
- LhARA/ITRF PA1 progress update: CW
- 18 month report is now being populated. HO, WP6 (Beam and infrastructure) have material inserted. Most WPs now have contributions being prepared. Need to discuss with WP3 (Capture) and make sure relevant information from WP4 (ionacoustic) is inserted. WP5 (end station) is expected to be input by the end of the week.
- WP2: T.S. Dascalu and N.Dover working to upgrade modelling to meet milestone.
- PoPLaR (bio-proof-of principle experiment)/WP7 -- Good meeting in Strathclyde last week. Good attendance from Strathclyde biologists and LhARA personnel. Agreed way forward. R. Gray has beam time scheduled In December 2024 and January 2025 for preparation and first biological exposures. Agreed to target placing order for magnets by the end of June 2024.
- LhARA/ITRF PA2 bridging activity: All
HO reported hearing positive "noises", but, nothing concrete. We continue on the assumption that the bridging resource will be granted.
- MCSA application first steps: KL
Excellent discussion, everyone engaged. Agreed to take it forward and to begin discussions with interested colleagues.
- Conferences and publications; SB report: RB, KP, All
Report from RB and KP circulated before the meeting:
- Meetings:
- European Physical Society meeting, Division of Plasma Physics, 8-12th July, Salamanca, Spain. https://epsplasma2024.com/
- International Congress on Plasma Physics. 8-13th September. Ghent, Belgium. https://icpp2024.ugent.be/
- European Conference on Laser Interaction with Matter. 16-20th September, Lisbon, Portugal. https://eclim2024.pt/
- APS DPP 2024, 7-11th October, Atlanta, Georgia. https://www.aappsdpp.org/DPP2024/
- PTCOG 10-15th June, Singapore, https://ptcog62.org/
- Association for Radiation Research Annual Meeting 24th-26th June, Birmingham. https://uobevents.eventsair.com/arr
- European Radiation Research Society Annual Meeting ERRS24 10-13th September, Aveiro, Portugal. https://www.errs.eu/annual-meetings/errs-annual-meetings/48th-errs-annual-meeting
- Radiation Research Society Annual Meeting 15th-19th September, Tucson, Arizona. https://web.cvent.com/event/f628c567-73e4-4fee-a58b-1e9b6b0c1981/summary
- FRPT 2024 4th-6th December, Rome. https://frpt-conference.org/
- Papers:
- Physics World Article: Will future radiotherapy be delivered entirely by AI bots? https://physicsworld.com/a/will-future-radiotherapy-be-delivered-entirely-by-ai-bots/
- Shoot-through proton FLASH irradiation lowers linear energy transfer in organs at risk for neurological tumors and is robust against density variations. https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6560/ad0280
- The current status of FLASH particle therapy: a systematic review, Jake Atkinson · Eva Bezak · Hien Le · Ivan Kempson. Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine (2023) 46:529–560. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13246-023-01266-z
- FLASH Radiotherapy With Electrons: Issues Related to the Production, Monitoring, and Dosimetric Characterization of the Beam. Di Martino F, Barca P, Barone S, Bortoli E, Borgheresi R, De Stefano S, Di Francesco M, Faillace L, Giuliano L, Grasso L, Linsalata S, Marfisi D, Migliorati M, Pacitti M, Palumbo L and Felici G (2020) Front. Phys. 8:570697. doi: 10.3389/fphy.2020.570697
- Development of a compact linear accelerator to generate ultrahigh dose rate high-energy X-rays for FLASH radiotherapy applications. Liu F, Shi J, Zha H,et al. Med Phys. 2023;50:1680–1698. https://doi.org/10.1002/mp.16199
- Absolute dosimetry for FLASH proton pencil beam scanning radiotherapy Ana Lourenço et al. Scientific Reports 2023. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-28192-0
- Collaboration meeting dates: All
- 02-03 Sep24, Belfast
- Add JPar in next communication with C.Palmer.
- Apr25, UCL
- 02-03 Sep24, Belfast
12Jun24 -- 16:00
- AoB
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