LhARA Executive Board 06Aug24; 16:00 BST
ZOOM: https://cern.zoom.us/j/69273575605?pwd=K1cwVVo3UmJwL0pkVDZFSXRJcitvQT09; Passcode: 156195
- Notes and actions: All
Status of actions:
- KL/RB: Liaise to make sure wiki has list of upcoming conferences to target.
- Ongoing: Started, need to follow up.
- KL: Follow up on pitch for students during bridging period.
- Ongoing: KL has meeting with V.Wright next week.
- KL/RB: Liaise to make sure wiki has list of upcoming conferences to target.
- LhARA/ITRF PA1 progress update: CW
- 18 month report complete, now moving on to BP1 documentation and CDR.
- Revision of FFA lattice gives improved vertical tune. CDR will need to reflect the fact that engineering design are a consistent representation of the baseline design which is now superseded by the revised optical system.
- LhARA/ITRF BP1 bridging activity: All
- Now working on details of costing for inclusion in the document. Writing workshop on 20Aug24 at DL.
- Opportunities for proposals: KL/All
- Good discussion; no notes.
- Conferences and publications; SB report: RB, KP, All
- No report this time.
- Collaboration meeting dates: All
- 02-03 Sep24, Belfast
- Apr25, UCL
30Aug24 -- 16:00
- AoB
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