
Version 5 (modified by longkr, 13 months ago) ( diff )


BioPhysicsX meeting; 08Jun23; 08:00


  1. Notes and actions: All
    No actions recorded.
  1. BioPhysicsX two-pager: CJ, All
    Present draft
    Points outstanding from last meeting:
    • Solicit input from:
      • Expert communicators.
      • European technology network, and, in consultation with IMcN, colleagues in FOM at Imperial.
    • Different versions need to be prepared for, e.g.:
      • "Public"/lay audience;
      • Influences/decision makers;
      • Funding agency personnel/Institute (Imperial, Oxford) leads
  1. Evolution of CCAP: KL, All
    We agreed to seek to exploit the opportunity to present development of CCAP into BioPhysicsX.
  1. Opportunity with CNRS IRC: KL, All
    We agreed that the CNRS/Imperial IRC provided an opportunity to initiate an international dimension to the activity and to broaden participation at Imperial.
  1. CIO submission: KL, All
    Stalled, will try again until it is submitted.
  1. Actions and next steps: All
    • Continued development of document.
  1. DONM
    • CJ, KL, PP to meet in a fortnight;
    • Seek two meetings with IMcN; one in a month and one just before his presentation on the 26Jun23.
  1. AoB
    • Offering a seminar in convergence science centre of IRC/IC. IMcN agreed to help find a slot.

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