
LhARA Executive Board 05Oct22; 10:00 BST

Present AG, KL


  1. Notes and actions: All

    Status of actions:
    • KL Liaise with H.Owen et al over working methods document;
      • Stalled. Agreed: we make a LhARA tech note out of our critique and post as an ITRF document.
    • TG Liaise with IB and others to encourage institute-specific outreach activities on the back of the ITRF announcement.
      • Ongoing
    • KL Continue to coordinate support for M. Lamont and J. Double in the preparation of the review.
      • Ongoing. Agenda item
  1. Proposal status: KL, CW
  1. Update on external review of proposal; KL, All
    • Review pages on wiki

      Reviewed (briefly) the plan posted on the wiki. AG and J.Parsons will meet later to discuss how to develop LhARA radiation biology offering.

  1. Collaboration meeting, Liverpool, 14Oct22: TG, KL, JPar
  1. Press release: All
  1. DONM
    • Propose, 19Oct22; 16:00 BST; then fortnightly

  1. AoB


Last modified 21 months ago Last modified on Oct 5, 2022, 12:07:00 PM

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