
SmartPhantom meetings: Wednesday 30th October 2019

Summary of actions:

Moved to the top as the notes this week are rather long.

  • KL: Liaise to develop concept for polishing.
  • LC: Complete detailed design of the boot.
  • MP: Send autocad drawing of flask holder to LC.
  • LC create drawing of station-holder concept: stations fixed to culture flask and station fixed at entry to water phantom.
  • MP: Provide trigger-pulse shape.
  • KL deal with projected overspend on IC IAA account and estimate of resource required from PPD.

There there were two meetings today. The first (at 09:30 CET) will not be a teleconference. The discussion will just be between those at MedAustron. The second (at 12:00 CET) will be video-conference using the VIDYO system.

09:30 CET meeting Agenda:


  1. Welcome and announcements: MP
  1. SmartPhantom development: status and plans: HTL
  1. Discussion (including visit to research room)
    To include:
    • Space, support for SmartPhantom and associated cameras, USB system and computer;
      • The water phantom will be placed on the treatment couch (table). The table will be arrainged such that its axis is perpendicular to the beam line.
      • The table is 170cm long by 53cm wide. This will be large enough for the cameras and laptop to be placed next to the SmartPhantom on the table.
    • Support for SmartPhantom within the water phantom;
      • The water phantom was inspected and dimensions were measured. The manual for the SmartPhantom has been posted on the wiki.
      • We agreed to:
        • Mount three statons on a PMMA culture-flask holder. This has the advantage of keeping the stations strongly coupled to the culture flask. A fixed station will be installed as close as possible to the entry window,
        • LC will need to make a drawing. Concept is to clampt to the material provided by the flask-support structure.
    • Length of light quides and other cabling;
      • Table is 170cm. Room for cameras/USB hubs/laptop on either side. Perhaps determine length of year fibre by making a model.
      • Centre of beam in the centre of the room ... beam-axis to wall is 4m on both sides.
    • Mains power and other requirements.
      • 230V; 50Hz; mains sockets on wall. EU style plugs.
  • Trigger signal and electrical communications:
    • Position of signal, connector, cable, voltage pulse shape;
      • Single, long cable; 'plenty long enough'. BNC connector. Signal is 5V;
      • Pulse shape: will be found by MP.
      • JB suggested we try record trigger signals by flashing an LED and imaging the light. Resolution limited by the shutter rate. Alternative is to detect the rising edge. To avoid complication we agree to digitise the rising edge and record in LabView.
    • Communication from control room for research room:
      • Ethernet on wall; communication via ethernet (vlan).
      • Laptop, therefore, has to be registered with MedAustron IT.
    • Ethernet socket location, cable length, etc.
      • Sockets on wall, so need cables >= 4m long.
    • Ionisation chamber:
      • ROOS Chanmber from PTW
  • CCTV monitoring in the research room for the set-up
  • Logistics:
    • What arrangements do we need to make to set up for and to execute the experiemnt?
      • If there are no shifts before the one we plan to use, then can gain access to room before the shift.
    • Personal dosimetery for those involved.
      • Dosimeters can be picked up when we arrive.
    • Registration procedures etc.
      • Need only flag in arrival with MP/SG in advance.
    • RP procedures; what is required before we take SmartPhantom away?
      • Leave to be measured then we can take it away if it is passed.
  1. Summary, actions and next steps: All
    • See below.

12:00 CET meeting:

Meeting details

Videoconference using the Vidyo system.

Connection details:

Please join the VIDYO meeting by clicking this link:

If you want to join by phone, please use one of the phone numbers listed in the link below:

The PIN for the phone connection is: 1079548


  1. Outcomes from the morning discussions: HTL/LC/KL
    • See above.
  1. Discussion
    • Points noted above.

If appropriate: routine agenda:

  1. Notes and actions from last meeting:
    • KL: Liaise to develop concept for polishing.
      • Stands.
    • HTL: Add CCAP note number to the header of the note and post it as a CCAP note.
      • Done.
    • LC: Complete detailed design of the boot.
      • Stands.
    • KL: Needs to confirm detail with M.Puchalska. Done.
    • KL: Look into Vidyo, ZOOM, or Skype for next week's meeting. Done.
  1. Mechanical design/manufacture update: LC
    • No update this week.
  1. Single-fibre test setup: HTL
    • Mechanical model of source holder created. Need to agree final details and machine to spec. Also need to agree modifications to light-exclusion enclosure.
  1. Schedule revision discussion: All
    • No update from last week. Criticl path is now the fibre procurement.
  1. Spend: outstanding requirement: All
    Updated Costing
    • Now showing a £3k overspend. KL needs to sort this out; also charges from TD to PPD.
  1. Next steps: All
    • Arrange transport of winding jig from RAL to IC.
    • Agreed can't make Dec19 shifts. Aim to be ready for Jan20.
  1. DONM
    • Next Wednesday.

  1. AoB
    • None.

Last modified 5 years ago Last modified on Oct 30, 2019, 4:29:41 PM

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