
LhARA Executive Board 30Nov22; 16:00 GMT

Present: CW, KL, PP, TG, JPar

Summary of actions

  • KL Continue to coordinate support for M. Lamont and J. Double in the preparation of the review.
  • KL, JPar, AG collaborate to create first draft for comment.
  • TG propose that future IBs are held at CMs to the IB and begin prepartions for the next CM and IB
  • KL/AG to confirm Strathclyde Colloquium date
  • TG float the idea of a "Publications Board" that would encompass publications and conferences to the IB at its next meeting.
  • KL/TG: Check appropriate wording exists regarding EDI and code of conduct in the Consortium Agreement.


  1. Notes and actions: All

Status of actions:

  • KL Continue to coordinate support for M. Lamont and J. Double in the preparation of the review.
    • Ongoing. Agenda item
  • KL Initiate preparation of document as input to end-station discussion;
    • Done.
  • KL, JPar, AG collaborate to create first draft for comment.
    • Ongoing. Agenda item
  1. Proposal; status of JeS: KL, CW
  2. LhARA Project progress report (new standing item): CW
    • Slides for items 2 and 3.
    • Points noted:
      • Presently progress OK. Some key meetings had taken place to resolve issues in the assumptions regarding teh Gabor lens and the source distribution. Issues identified: need a meeting between source and capture work packages to undestand working assumptions at the interfaces and important to get the necessary start to the user consultation being organised through work-package 5.
  1. Preparation of first user consultation 14Dec22: All
    • Two documents were in preparation for circulation in advance of the meeting. A requirements document as outlined in the actions above and a "questions to be answered" document being prepared by T.Price to guide discussion at the consiltation.
    • CW reported the misunderstanding propogated regarding the presense of a vertical beamline for in-vitro work at Stage 2. This had been resolved and an open and inclusive discussion was being planned.
  1. Update on external review of proposal (standing item until complete); KL, All
    • The review feedback had undergone one iteration with the reviewers. The deadline for final comments was today; no comments were expected. So, expectation was that feedback could be made public tomorrow. The preparation of our response would then fillow.

  1. Update/discussion of EPSRC/MRC sandpit call: All
    • Call now closed.

  1. STFC Accelerator Science Research Call for Consortia: KL/All
    • Call text
    • We discussed the call and some of the known constraints. Present concept that is being investigated is a consortium that will work on the development of novel high-power, pulsed proton sources. Stakeholders would include ISIS, LhARA, other medical/industrial applications.
  • We discussed the possibility of including diagnostics and recognised that the development of the ion-acoustic technique may be of value in non-destructive testing.
  1. Update on conversations with STFC Lab Departments and CERN: KL
    • Discussions had been initiated with CLF, PPD, and ISIS. More work to do here, but all positive so far. CERN positive about increased collaboration too. Need to continue to look into possible EU funding schemes.
  1. Next IB and start of preparations for next CM: TG, YP, All
    • Agreed that future IBs will be held as part of CMs. TG will propose this solution to the IB and begin to prepare for the next CM and IB, both of which will now be hosted by Brm.

  1. DONM
    16Dec22; 16:00 GMT
    • Note cant be on 14Dec22 because of the User Consultation meeting
    • KL Change diary invite for EB.
  1. AoB
    • CW: KL/AG to confirm Strathclyde Colloquium date
    • KL: asked whether LhARA needed a Speakers' Bureay. In the discussuion it was agreed to float the idea of a "Publications Board" that would encompass publications and conferences to the IB at its next meeting. TG will take this forward.
    • EDI ... policy ...
    • CW asked what the plan was to complete the collabration agreement. TG reminded us that comments on the draft Collaboration Agreement had been solicited by the next IB. The document would then be finalised. We discussed the need for EDI polciy and code of conduct. This was believed to be in the Collaboration Agreement, KL/TG will check.

Last modified 23 months ago Last modified on Nov 30, 2022, 7:16:29 PM

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