LhARA Executive Board 09Aug23; 16:00 BST
ZOOM: https://cern.zoom.us/j/69273575605?pwd=K1cwVVo3UmJwL0pkVDZFSXRJcitvQT09
- Notes and actions: All
Status of actions:
- KL, TG: Push on contacting institute PIs re signing MoU and consulting re positioning in next proposal.
- Ongoing.
- LhARA Project progress report: CW
- WP2: continued progress.
- Team presently analysing results of recent experiments. Also have made some simulations while waiting for the Lancaster recruitment.
- Lancaster postdoc expected in post soon. This should strengthen the simulation effort.
- WP3: now progressing recruitment of post-doc effort.
- Additional effort brought onto project. Post-doc expected in post at the start of September.
- WP4: continued progress.
- First test of camera with fluorescent dye successful. Now calibrating various aspects. Design of PoP experiment progressing.
- WP5: progress.
- Documentation of most recent consultation meeting not complete. Also, solicitation of suggestions of types of experiment not yet sent out. Some encouragement of team may be necessary.
- WP6: continued progress.
- Updates to FFA design being discussed. Simulation of Stage 1 at an advanced stage, presently considering octopoles. Engineering progressing too, design for target chamber now quite detailed. Engineering of building etc. being advanced.
- Update to stage 1 lattice will be done without renewed dose calculation. Issue is that code used for pre-CDR was can not be recovered.
- WP0: Changes of personnel: K.Kirkby and N.Bliss have/will retire. Discussion of how to proceed in WP0 meeting not always consistent with
- WP2: continued progress.
- Document preparation: Process paper, skeletons for PA2 programme and 12 month report: KL, CW, All
Process document
- Some comments from TG will be included.
- Need to note (not in the document, but in the discussion) that successor for NB should be appointed quite soon to allow them to be involved in the development of the new project plan.
- Agreed to update document tomorrow and then recirculate to ITRF colleagues and to WPMs.
- Agreed to suggest rolling reviewers to D. Newbold to ask for advice. Names mentioned, but not minuted.
- Strong comment from CJ, adopted, present project consistently as "LhARA to serve ITRF". Implies change in title, for example.
- Issue of collaboration's identity discussed. Agreed that resolution of the apparent tension is likely to be that the "LhARA initiative", which is a "programme", is the function of the collaboration. One of the three key pillars of this is the "LhARA/ITRF project". The discussion of the LhARA/ITRF project is then consistent with a single integrated project.
- Concrete changes to present doc;
- Change title to "The integrated PA2 project plan to develop LhARA to serve the ITRF".
- Drop content of PM section of annex awaiting comment.
- CJ proposed to include earned value analysis. Agreed to try. KL/CW had prepared the bones of it already. Not clear if all info would be available.
- LhARA SB report: BB, KP
- Members of panel recruited: M Boyd, G. Schettino, C.Palmer, C.Baker. Issue was to convince people it was not too much work. BB will announce in coming days.
- Bid for continuation next steps
- Including:
- How to converge on bio demo experiment.
- Largely discussed and noted above. Two meetings planned: 29Aug and 12Sep. Then plenary discussion at CM in Strathclyde.
- Including:
- Collaboration and consultation meeting dates:// KL
- Next collaboration meetings: 20Sep23; Glasgow
23Aug23; 16:00 BST
- AoB
Last modified
18 months ago
Last modified on Sep 6, 2023, 8:50:42 AM
Attachments (3)
- 12-month-report.pdf (265.8 KB ) - added by 19 months ago.
- PA2-programme.pdf (1.2 MB ) - added by 19 months ago.
- LhARA-ITRF-PA2-Process-2023-08-xx-d0.pdf (94.6 KB ) - added by 19 months ago.
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