LhARA Project WPM Meeting 20th February 2024 14:00 GMT =
Meeting URL: https://strath.zoom.us/j/84550543598?from=addon
Meeting ID: 845 5054 3598 Password: 737274
Bridging funds
K Long - discussion - slides (here)
Bridging funds.
Uniform 'tax.' across all WP - 6%
Radiobiological Science and technology
Work Package 7:
- M7.1: Develop beamline and bespoke facilities at SCAPA for radiobiology experimentation M30
- M7.2: Preliminary results from cell survival/DNA damage experiments with laser-accelerated protons at SCAPA M36
- M7.3: Development of RBEs of laser-accelerated protons (versus pre-existing cyclotron-driven protons) in established cell lines M48
- M7.4: Assessment of DNA damage repair kinetics and immunopeptidomic analysis of laser-accelerated protons M48
Work package 4: Ion-acoustic dose mapping
- M4.3: Iterative reconstruction methods M42
- M4.4: Integration: ultra-sonic array with radiobiology station M48 may require manpower up-lift and some equipment funds
- M4.5: LhARA ion-acoustic test results M48
Work package 5: Novel end-station development
- M5.4: Construct transportable beam delivery end-station M42.
- M5.6: Report on LhARA stage 1 beam monitoring system M48.
Plus numerical studies to interpret ans evaluate experimental programme - Student led.
ITRF/LhARA Facility R&D
Stage. 1 TDR
Work package 2: Laser-driven proton and ion source
- M2.3: Investigation and demonstration of 10 Hz debris and damage challenges at ICL M36
- M2.4: Demonstration of continuous operation of 1 Hz beam generation on SCAPA M48
Work package 3: Proton and ion capture
- M3.3: Progress report on increased voltage penning trap simulations and operation. M36
- M3.4: Final report high voltage penning trap operation. M48
Work package 0 & 6: Design and integration
- M6.2: Final review of R&D work towards LhARA Phase 1 TDR M42
Stage 2 CDR
- M6.3: Review of R&D work towards LhARA Phase 2 CDR M48
Work Package 0 & 1. Project management: Deliverables plus internationalisation
- D5 Initial progress review TDR & technical de-risk update M30
- D6 Interim progress review TDR & technical de-risk update M36
- D7 Final progress review TDR & technical de-risk update M42
- D8 Stage 1 TDR & technical de-risk report M48
Work Package 8:
- Creation of collaborative international clinical research group M40
- Wider public engagement - All party parliamentary group on radiotherapy M48
- humble bragg competition?
Attachments (4)
- 01-2024-02-20-Long.pptx (634.6 KB ) - added by 13 months ago.
- 01-2024-02-20-Long1.pptx (641.7 KB ) - added by 13 months ago.
- 1st_Cost24_02_20_CW.xlsx (19.2 KB ) - added by 13 months ago.
- 1st_Cost24_02_20_CW2.xlsx (19.4 KB ) - added by 13 months ago.
Download all attachments as: .zip