
Strategic workshop on the Radiobiology of particle beams

8th November 2023
Venue: Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus
(Sherfield Building, Room 164)

The workshop is framed within a collaboration between Imperial College London and the CNRS. The goal of this collaboration is to advance the radiobiology/radiotherapy domain by means of new initiatives such as LhARA.

The idea of the workshop is to generate some cross-fertilization with different disciplines such as metabolomics, proteomics, immunology which can help us to better understand the biological impact of the novel radiotherapy techniques that we develop.


10:00-10:05 Welcome

10:05-10:20 Prof K. Long Objectives of the w/s and summary of the LhARA initiative

10:20-11:35 Prof J Parsons Radiobiology gaps in particle therapy

10:35-10:50 Y. Prezado Interest of LhARA for innovative radiotherapy

10:50-11:10 Coffee

11:10-11:25 Robert Griffin SFRT Radiobiology

11:25-11:40 Dr. Erik Wenneber Radio-enhanced Immunotherapy

11:40-11:55 C. Whyte/Strathclyde LhARA relevant capability at Strathclyde

11:55-12:10 Marc Dumas Metabolism: how to evaluate metabolic changes after RT

12:25-13:30 Lunch break

13:30-13:45 Marc Verderi Marc Verdi Monitoring of ultra-short electron beams from laser-plasma acceleration

13:45-14:00 C. Prof Dunsby/Prof French Biophotonics – imaging disease and response to therapy

14:00-15:00 Discussion about first radiobiology program in lasers, cross fertilization, how to include radio-immunological aspect, how to move forward the radiobiology programme

15:00 – Emmanuel Brouillet Closing remarks

Last modified 15 months ago Last modified on Nov 16, 2023, 2:51:05 PM
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